© 程慕1893|Powered by LOFTER
You can't always get what you want, but if you try, you may get what you need


我真喜欢这种unrequited love。 小说里的Roman比电视剧里还不求回报和表达好感表达的不加遮掩。所以说虐也是更虐一些。



ps: lofter没法一并把截图发上来真是让人伤心。。。




Now standing before them in the gloaming was the wolf. Roman leaned against Lynda; he had lost his center of gravity. He had not actually known what to expect in coming here tonight, much less that it would reveal to him two essential truths of life: that men do become wolves and that if you have the privilege to be witness to such a transformation it is the most natural and right thing you have ever seen. “Fuck,” Roman whispered.


电视剧里的Roman看Peter变身直接看呆了,而小说里的心理描写才叫令人发指。Roman实际上是龙族实际上是个王者啊(虽然他现在不知道。。),结果对着Peter,他想的是“the lord of forest”.下一句便是“You are a serf.” 直接跪了么这是。直接把自己当成森林之王的臣仆了吗,Roman...

it yawned and stretched out its forelegs, rump wiggling in the air. Lynda’s eyes moist with ultimate maternal egotism and Roman weak-kneed with admiring envy of those fangs, white fangs gleaming, gloating over the purest dichotomy of having/not having. Of course the fangs of a werewolf are of an exaggerated length and curvature more typical of the feline family. They are the final say; once the jaws are closed nothing on earth can escape them. Lupus sapiens: the wise wolf. This, Roman, who had lived here all his life, finally saw, is the lord of the forest. You are a serf.



‘a lengthy and graphic account of a homosexual affair’. 干得好啊少爷!!!

Mother inquired into his business. Roman replied they were partners on a school project. Mother was not satisfied by this patent evasion. “Do you want the truth?” said Roman. “Yes,” said Mother. Roman gave a lengthy and graphic account of a homosexual affair. “But don’t worry,” it culminated, “it’s only [EXPLETIVE DELETED].”







“Why?” “Because a Rumancek should not be remembered in this world for his things.” 

“Shee-it,” said Roman. 

“Shee-it,” said Peter.

They dug.



“What do you do when you get horny? While you're turned?”


“She pities me,” Peter said. He didn’t have to put his finger to the wind to know that extreme caution was required here. “She’s all heart,” said Roman. They entered a tunnel. “Can I ask you something?” said Roman. “Go ahead.” “What do you do when you get horny? While you’re turned?” Peter looked up at the lines of parallel lights extending into the white vanishing point at the tunnel’s far end. He didn’t answer. They drove to the Pittsburgh neighborhood


这一段对应的就是少爷对着镜子,用自己的血涂抹嘴唇的那一幕。说真的,我觉得他说shut up and kiss me的时候真是摄人心魄。


He opened his eyes and put a finger to the cut and traced it under both eyes and over his lips in a parody of his mother applying makeup. He batted his eyes for the mirror and puckered his lips. “Shut up and kiss me,” he said. The doorbell rang. 


这里是那位龙骑士leibian同学来拜访,就在少爷用血当口红那里。她给这男孩的评价,我的重点都在` homoerotic tendencies`上了。哦我真想问问你怎么看出来的啊。

She regarded the boy: a narcissistic, insecure, oversensitive, and underparented adolescent heir to a Fortune 500 company with a substance abuse problem and homoerotic tendencies—it would have been more surprising if he di dn’t “see things sometimes.”




还有描写Letha咬着Peter的头发,‘sucking on it. sucking on his funcking rat faggot hair.’ 少爷你选词实在是太微妙了。。。

Roman watched. Sheets of rain washed over the glass and Roman watched the two of them inside. They were on the couch. She was facing down and he was on top of her. Her arm was outstretched and his fingers laced through hers. Roman stood in the hemlocks with his hair matted to his forehead and arms dead at his sides and watched. Peter worked his hand under her and up her clit and her mouth made a moan and his hair brushed her face and her mouth closed. Sucking on it. Sucking his fucking rat faggot hair. Rain hit a puddle by his feet like a thousand damned mouths wailing O. Roman turned away and walked around front and got into his car. His wet clothes suctioned him to the leather and he tried counting the worms of rain racing down his windshield but they all ran together. 



然后他们俩有开始shee-it each other了。。

电视剧里倒是省了那句or whatever. 编剧大概不想让吉普赛人看起来更渣吧

“Do you love her?” said Roman. Peter hunched forward, resting his forearms on his knees.

 “Yeah,” he said. “Or whatever.”

 “Shee-it,” said Roman.

 “Shee-it,” said Peter.


Roman目睹Peter变回成人之后。少爷你最后一句那是怎么个情况喂。你自己也意识到自己总用fucking beautiful描述自己的男性朋友,是有多奇怪了么。。。

“I watched you change back,” he said. “This morning.” There was another pause. “Yeah?” said Peter. 

“Yeah. It’s actually … it’s … beautiful.”

 “Okay,” said Peter.

 “I’m not a homo,” said Roman.  










And Roman. Help Roman become a man on the path of light and love. Not the other way. Tell Roman … all the things I couldn’t.


是的这里就是龙母问蜷在墙角的少爷需要什么。少爷说,“Peter.” 我的心脏啊。

When he woke she asked where he would like to go and was relieved when he simply said “Peter.”




The obvious she could not prepare him for: that a Gypsy was a Gypsy was a Gypsy. They will steal the rings off your fingers or the love right out of your heart and leave no more to show for it than a trail of smoke in the night.




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